Planning Your Home Gym
Andrew wanted a room that he would actually feel motivated by. His design team, led by real estate and renovation expert Scott McGillivray had all the answers. Then they powered it with fitness equipment and accessories from Spartan Fitness!
See the photos and get a list of equipment here.
Recovery and Rest
Why it's just as important as your workout!
We all love that feeling after we finish a tough workout; well at least most of us do. That “runner’s high” or “the pump” that you feel is something incredible that pushes us to want to do it all over again, no matter how sore, tired, or busy we are. Equally as important as the workout itself, our bodies require the proper recovery and rest to help repair and build lean muscle. Without it, all that hard work may as well be for nothing. Following necessary recovery strategies will help your body be ready to give everything you have to your next workout, allowing you to see results much quicker.
Here are 8 ways to maximize your post-workout recovery (Click to Read)